
Pilates & Yoga retreats

We Are taking care 
of our body

Pilates & Yoga 50+

The classes are going in a slower pace. The poses will be comfortable. Supporting on the hands will be limited so that the wrists are spared.

Improve With continuity

You will have daily classes. The impact will be higher.


Under the wings of OrganicYogaGreece, you will meet other participants of the same age. The groups are small, so there's more space to connect.

Our services

We use our experience to see what you need. Our teacher is able to "investigate" your body and analyze for areas where improvement is needed. 

Week schedule

Day 1: Arrivel day with welcome drink

Day 2: classes

Day 3: classes

Day 4: classes and massage

Day 5: excursion day, no classes

Day 6: classes

Day 7: classes

Day 8: departure day *

* you are welcome to add more days

Day schedule

  • 9.00 Breakfast
  • 9.45 meet up, walk to the beach
  • 10.00 - 11.00 Pilates on the beach
  • free to go
  • 17.00 - 18.00 Yin Yoga in the garden
  • 19.00 meet up for diner
  • 19.30 diner in the village
Gina 2022

All included package

€650 8 days
  • including hotel
  • including breakfast
  • 5 days with 2 classes
  • 1 excursion including lunch

Basic package

€300 8 days
  • Excl. hotel
  • including breakfast
  • 5 days with 2 classes
  • 1 excursion including lunch